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Affiliate Projects

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The Network for Emotional Well-being and Brain Aging (NEW Brain Aging) aims to identify the role of emotional wellbeing (EWB) in health of older adults, identifying and testing mechanisms by which brain aging influences EWB, and how EWB may impact risk for and progression of Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias

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The Emotional Well-being and Economic Burden Research Network (EMOT-ECON) is a new initiative to advance research and generate new knowledge about the impact of economic burden of disease on emotional well-being.

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The Plasticity of Well-being Network aims to refine and test key concepts that advance the study of emotional well-being as well as to develop innovative measures of the key pillars of well-being.

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The Family Well-being Research Network (FAM-NET) aims to support and advance research on the measurement of family well-being and pediatric quality of life, by funding new areas of study, supporting and mentoring the next generation of scholars, and providing education and resources for researchers.

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The Stress Measurement Network’s mission is to better understand the relationship between stress and health by improving the measurement of stress in research studies. The Network provides an array of stress measurement resources, organizes workshops, and brings together experts from around the world to debate, improve, and develop measures of stress. Together, we move the field from an abstract and fragmented state to a cohesive science.

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This is not an official UCSF website. The opinions or statements expressed herein should not be taken as a position of or endorsement by the University of California, San Francisco.

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