Located within the UR Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide (UR/CSPS), the CSPS Postdoctoral Program in Suicide Prevention Research (T32 MH20061) is now in its 23rd year with Yeates Conwell, MD (MPI of NEW Brain Aging) and Kim Van Orden, PhD as co-directors. It provides two years of stipend support and related benefits for early career investigators committed to careers in suicide prevention research. Each fellow works closely with a mentoring team, takes courses and participates in a diverse array of CSPS research and training activities. A strength of the UR/CSPS fellowship is the provision of intensive mentorship in grant writing, study design, and data analysis from UR/CSPS core faculty dedicated to suicide prevention.

Program Highlights
Two years of stipend support and related benefits (with a third year available under some circumstances)
Support from a primary mentor who will recommend courses and training activities based on your needs and research interests
Intensive mentorship in grant writing, study design, and implementation as well as data analysis from core faculty
Access to advisors from both the University of Rochester and the Veteran’s Affairs VISN 2 Center of Excellence for Suicide Prevention
Collaborative relationship with the VA Advanced Fellowship in Veteran Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Clinical opportunities based on your program of research
How to Apply
Because the program is supported by federal grant funding, applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident. Trainees with backgrounds relevant to suicide prevention including psychiatry and other medical specialties, nursing, psychology, social work, or public health are best suited to this opportunity.
Members of under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
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