
The EMOT-ECON network invites applications for pilot awards to provide project support for new or established investigators in the EMOT-ECON area of research. These pilot projects must involve primary data collection or secondary data analyses on EMOT-ECON research. Applications will be accepted in the following priority areas:
Ontology and measurement of emotional well-being (EWB) research to capture components of EWB in people with economic burden of disease. Examples of questions include, but are not limited to, identifying EWB components in people with economic burden of disease, or examining whether these components vary depending on when the economic burden of disease occurs across the lifespan.
Mechanistic research to identify mechanisms linking economic burden of disease to EWB. Examples of questions include, but are not limited to, examining whether emotion- or problem- focused coping in people with economic burden leads to lower stress which then leads to better EWB, or identifying mechanisms by which medical-related financial stress impacts EWB.
Prevention research to identify intervention strategies (e.g., stress-management, mind-body interventions, education, financial navigation interventions) that help individuals effectively cope with economic burden of disease and maintain or improve EWB. Examples of questions include but are not limited to, examining whether a stress management intervention (e.g., mindfulness meditation, yoga) in patients facing medical-related financial burden leads to better EWB, or whether providing information about costs of care or financial assistance leads to better EWB.
RFA Guidelines and Terms of the Award
Funding Amount: $30,000 available* (2-3 grants may be funded) Letter of Intent Due: September 30, 2021, by 11:59 PM (CT) Invited Applications Due: November 5, 2021, by 11:59 PM (CT) Announcement of Recipients: December 17, 2021 Projected Start Date (estimated): January 10, 2021
*The EMOT-ECON pilot award funding mechanism offered through NCCIH grant # U24AT011310 does not fund indirect costs. All funds must go directly towards the research project.
For more information and complete application instructions, download the RFA (PDF file) below:
This announcement was originally published by the Emotional Well-Being & Economic Burden Network. See the original application details.